“Cy Wood is a super talented professional, full of spirit and fun, who will give your chorus a taste of Broadway! No matter the character, Cy will patiently bring out the best in your chorus singers and challenge them to portray what the music is demanding them to become. Your ensemble will greatly benefit from Cy’s personal experience and years of excellent training! I highly recommend Cy as a choreographer and visual coach!”
“As an artist and musical leader, I am always looking for people who make me better at what I do. Cy Wood does exactly that. In working with my two choruses, Cy instructs, challenges, inspires, and encourages, all at a heart level. If you want authentic, exhilarating, powerful visual and musical performances, then look no further than Mr. Cy Wood. My groups love working with him, and I am a better performer and musician because or our partnership.”
"Cy Wood’s magical gifts as a showmanship and presentation coach were on full display during his coaching session with Greater Nassau Chorus. His contagious enthusiasm and his keen eye helped each chorus member to seamlessly blend together performance, character, sound and choreography. His ability to quickly assess how to maximize those vital “small moments” in a performance package and to articulate them in a pragmatic and meaningful way was amazing. Cy inspired our group and challenged each of us to bring authenticity and honesty into every movement. It was a treat to have him and we are all better performers because of it!"
--Harriette Walters, Master Director 700, Greater Nassau Chorus
“Cy is a creative genius with a positive teaching approach that will inspire your ensemble….. the total package.”
“I’ve know Cy for nearly 10 years - we are dealing with an uber-professional, very articulate, true TALENT. ”
Recent Coachings:
Scioto Valley Chorus, Sweet Adelines International Chorus, Region 4
The Thoroughbreds, BHS Chorus, Cardinal District
Circle City Sound, BHS Chorus, Cardinal District
The Core, BHS top-ten ranked quartet, Johnny Appleseed District
Region 34, Sweet Adelines Australia Director’s School Instructor
Cardinal District Top Gun Instructor
Harmony University, BHS Education, Coach and Instructor
Holland Harmony, Education Week Instructor
BinG! Harmony College Instructor
Cardinal District Top Gun Instructor
SmorgasChorus, BHS Chorus, Central States District
The West Towns Chorus, BHS Chorus, Illinois District
The Singing Buckeyes, BHS Chorus, Johnny Appleseed District
The Alliance Chorus, BHS Chorus, Johnny Appleseed District
Music City Chorus, BHS Chorus, Dixie District
Alexandria Harmonizers, BHS Chorus, Mid Atlantic District
Saltaires, BHS Chorus, Rocky Mountain District
Southern Gateway Chorus, BHS Chorus, Johnny Appleseed District
Downeasters Chorus, BHS Chorus, Northeastern District
Voices of Gotham, BHS Chorus, Mid Atlantic District
Greater Nassau Chorus, SAI Chorus, Region 15
Glow Quartet, SAI Quartet, Region 26
Bling! Quartet, SAI 2015 International Quartet Champions, Region 9
Dapper Dans of Harmony, BHS Chorus, M.A.D.
Sirens of Gotham, SAI Chorus, Region 15
TuneTown Show Chorus, SAI Chorus, Region 4
Capitaland Chorus, SAI Chorus, Region 15
Philadelphia Freedom Chorus, SAI Chorus, Region 19
Big Apple Chorus, BHS Chorus, Mid Atlantic District
Song of Atlanta Show Chorus, SAI Chorus, Region 23